eiACE Power Up Webinar
July 27th, 2017A first of its kind, the EIACE Webinar Series debuts with lectures from Will Akers, Steve Kaplan, Carole Kirschner, and Ellen Sandler. These industry-leading educators will provide instruction through 20-minute segments, live at the Relativity School Studio in LA. I will be speaking at our SECOND Webinar Event in the series, but sign up for all three and join the story revolution at www.eiace.org
Even if you can’t attend live, register now for only $49 and get access to the event afterwards!
Will Akers – How to Beat Writers Block
Few things are as difficult to conquer as writers block. I will address this maddening puzzle with techniques to decide if the material you’re writing is correct for you, how to insure you and those around you treat your time with respect, avoiding self-censoring, how research can destroy your story, and the incredibly helpful Random Thoughts outline. I’m big on handouts, so you’ll get my favorites, including how to shut off the Internet while you work, one from Don Roos and another from Jerry Seinfeld (who hates to write!).
Because a writer’s paralysis is often based on fear the work won’t be good, I will show you specific, low-angst tasks to power through the doldrums. And, I’ll leave you with my recently-discovered theory on the lowly typewriter, the ultimate cure for writers block!
Steve Kaplan – The Most Common Error When Writing a Comedy
As the saying goes, “Dying is hard, but comedy’s harder.” But many writers make it even harder on themselves by making this one common error when starting to work on a comedy feature or pilot. In this short, interactive talk geared towards writers, directors and producers, we’ll start to explore what comedy is, how it works, why it works, what’s happening when it’s not working, and what you can do to fix it.
Carole Kirschner – How to Give Great Meeting
It covers generals, pitch meetings and for TV writers, Showrunner Meetings. Everything from prep to follow up.
Ellen Sandler – Power Up Your Premise Line
If you struggle to capture the essence of your story and turn it into a vibrant pitch line, this practical seminar will show you how—a step by step guide to creating a powerful premise—your first and most important tool for pitching, and even more important, for writing:
- How your character drives your premise
- The defining qualities that create the structure of your premise
- How to get your passion into your premise
- How to put it all together for a powerful punch
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